how many calories in an arbyʼs chicken bacon swiss
According to Arby’s nutrition information, the Chicken Bacon & Swiss sandwich typically contains around 740 calories. However, please note that nutrition information can change over time, and actual values might vary based on your location and any customizations to the sandwich.
Here’s a rough breakdown of the nutrition facts:
– Calories: 740
– Fat: 28g (42% of the Daily Value (DV))
– Saturated Fat: 7g (35% DV)
– Sodium: 1240mg (52% DV)
– Total Carbohydrates: 64g (21% DV)
– Dietary Fiber: 2g (8% DV)
– Sugars: 5g
– Protein: 41g (82% DV)
Please visit Arby’s official website or check their nutrition guide for the most up-to-date and accurate information.