how do you say happy birthday in swiss german

In Swiss German, you can say “Happy Birthday” in different ways depending on the region. Here are a few:

– In most Swiss German dialects, the common phrase is: “Herzliche Gratulation zum Geburtstag” (but this is formal, more written and not so common in the spoken dialects), and
– The most common is: “Herzlichä Gratulazione zum Geburtstag” or “Herzi Chratulazion” or simply “Alles Gueti zum Geburtstag” or “Häppy Bärschti” (häppy = happy and ‘bär-schti is birhtday without the h) or Alles Gute zum Geburtsdag”

However here are different ways in a few dialects spoken in Switzerland

– Zurich: “Häppy Bärschti” (pronounced ‘hurry-py ber-schte’)
– Bern: “Herzli Chratulatiön”
– Basel (Lower and Upper): “Richtig guete Geburdaag” / “Richtig gueti Geburtstag” (pronounced ‘ch-rechtig-khvete gä-bōr-‘
– St. Gallen: ‘hä-pi bir’-shti’, Häppy Bärschti (pronounced happy birth-day),
– Swiss Low German: Herzliche/Tschüütige Gratulatione zum Geburtsdag

Remember, Swiss German dialects vary a lot by region and town so this is NOT a comprehensive list

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