how do you say goodbye in swiss german

In Swiss German, you can say goodbye using the following phrases:

– “Adieu” or “Adie” (AH-dee): This is a common, more formal way of saying goodbye in Swiss German.
– “Üsi” or “Üse” (OO-see): This is a more casual, informal way of saying goodbye in Swiss German.
– “Bis wiederluege” (BIS VEE-der-loo-geh) or “Bis spöter” (BIS SPUR-ter): These phrases roughly translate to “see you later.”
– “Tschüss” (CHOO-iss) or “Tschüssli” (CHOO-iss-lee): These are also informal ways of saying goodbye.

Please note that Swiss German is not a single standardized language but rather a group of dialects spoken across Switzerland. The phrases above may vary slightly depending on the specific region and dialect.

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